Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Jobless and Lonely

Whine Whine Whine.....I'm jobless and lonely. Good thing I have dogs to keep an eye out on. So, I'm sick of painting and working on the house and I'm sick of not having a job. Maybe instead of taking that break while Jason was here I should have been looking for employment. I hope God provides me with a job soon so I won't go crazy.

As far as the painting goes. I've been painting since we moved in. My shoulder is starting to hurt so I'm needing to take a break so I don't end up in Physical therapy again. But, as I sit around on my posterior I can't help but look at the walls and at all the stuff laying around and thinking, I can't take a break, I need to keep going.

I do have good news. I was able to find an agility instructor for the area. She's an AKC agility judge and doesn't start classes until Jan -Feb due to Snow and the holidays. But, she has my contact information and we talked for about an hour about our furkids. Ahh, the dog lovers world. I love being in with the dog crowd. You get to meet so many people who do not have kids, only furkids. Which is perfect for us because the dogs are our lives. But, I do miss Tammy and Charlie a lot. I miss their friendship and especially the doggie fun days and dog agility classes.

Nothing more to write. Just needed to whine.

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