So those who know me very well know I have one of the worst tempers around. Not only do I get so mad I feel like I'm going to have a heart attack but I also like to throw stuff. Remember the song I posted earlier, "Give me something to break" anyway, one of my favorites. So the whole reason behind my temper tantrum......this stupid computer. I love to archive photos and create home videos by video editing footage I've shot. My current project I have been working on is my last agility shows with all my agility buds. I promised them I would have it by Christmas but honestly this darned computer keeps acting up. I have tons of footage already on the hard drive but it just freezes whenever I start to work. I do not have any other means of copying video to give to my buds so video editing is the only thing I can do. But......the computer isn't allowing me to do it. Also, Jason and I are photography nuts. We've had our camera for a little over 1 year now and we've already taken over 8000 photos. That's right, 8000. So, with these photos they need to be archived. Since the photos are huge files 2+ megs I normally save up a few sets of photos and then when I have about 4 gigs saved I archive them on DVD. Now when I want to view these photos again on this computer.....well, it won't let me. It freezes also. So tonight has been a temper tantrum throwing time for me. I'm frustrated because I want to work on my movie and I'm frustrated because I want to take photos to work with me.
Now about work. I started my new job today. I'm very excited about this new job. I really think I'm going to like it. I think I'm going to be very busy which I'm really looking forward to. Pilot kept me very busy because I was the only OE person in the plant but at Univar I wasn't busy at all. Actually, I spent my days surfing the internet and talking to friends via email. To my Univar boss who may be reading this. You really already knew that I surfed the internet and really didn't have much to do so this shouldn't come as a surprise. I like to stay busy and I like to work my brain. Anyway, so I'm the new Sales Coordinator at Berwick Offray. My husband works their also. Funny thing though, I was reading the employee handbook and it talked about interoffice dating. He he he. I guess Jason and I are breaking the law, breaking the law. Anyway, my boss is really nice and the people I work with so far are really nice. Today was boring as most first days are. They do not want to overload you so they bore you with handbook reading, catalog memorization, etc. Tomorrow I'm sitting with a lady that's going to start more in depth training. I'm really looking forward to it. Jason works right across the hall but the funny thing is, I NEVER see him. When we get ready to go home for lunch we email and when we get ready to go home we email. It's humorous. By the way, my computer hadn't arrived this morning when I did. When I was given the office tour my boss walked me through IT and stopped by Jasons office and said I needed my computer pronto. We all thought it was funny :-) Their are tons of people who love offroading in Jeeps too. So, it's going to be really nice. Several people who like to hike and do so often. Actually, Jason has already been invited on a white water rafting trip in May with some of the guys. So, Carie, Trish, and Kim would you be interested in coming and spending the weekend with me? We could visit NYC, hike and hang out, eat tons and get fat.
Oh, I almost forgot, Jason and I have some hiking trips planned for this year. So far only 2, we could add more. Anyone who would like to go with us please let us know and we'll plan our trip. We're planning on hiking Shenandoah NP Memorial Day weekend and then hiking around Acadia NP in Maine Labor Day weekend. If you're interested please let us know.
Anyway, back to the photos. I was able to get some of the CDRs to load and I found this photo that was taken Thanksgiving 05. Jason, Stacy and I spent all evening playing with GI Joes and building pyramids with them. I thought it was freakin' hilarious and we kept everyone up because we were laughing so hard. So, I hope you enjoy this photo as much as I did. Seeing it again brought laughter tears to my eyes. Do you know what that spells?
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