Sunday, June 10, 2007

It's been a LONG weekend. Actually, I totally forget what we even did on Friday. It's so sad. Saturday we got up early and headed to Turbotville to have the canvas sewed on our camper. Since we was going to be close to Mad Agility I told Jason I wanted to go ahead and see if I could pick up my early Christmas gift, my A-Frame. Luckily it wasn't a problem so we headed out. We turned in the canvas and drove through Amish town. The Amish are so peaceful. I told Jason I loved to farm so maybe I should become Amish :-) Then we headed to the mall to waste some time since Mad didn't want us to come until the afternoon. So we went to Gander Mtn and to Dicks. Two of our favorite stores. Then we just happened to find a Ritz Camera that we didn't know was their so now we're really excited. Then it was off to McClure to pickup my A-Frame. McClure runs alongside the Bald Eagle State forest and it's such a pretty drive. We picked up the A-frame and I got REALLY EXCITED! I can't wait to actually use it. On the way home we stopped at Quaker Steak for dinner. Around 6:00 we headed for Bloom because Jason has started playing basketball with some of the guys I work with. One of them is my boss so it's exciting they can get to know each other. All the guys are around our age. They are going to start playing around 4 times a week. I took Chase and played for a while. I'm so horrible at Basketball that I really just do not enjoy it. After our little game of 3 on 3 the guys rounded up some high schoolers and played a few games. Jason is very sore today but I think he had a great time.

Sunday, we're sinners and skipped church. We just had so much to do and so little time to finish until my family comes that we decided to get some work done. We didn't get much done because we found out our water heater is leaking because it's all rusted out. So, we headed to Home Depot to pickup a new water heater. We rented one of the HD trucks to bring it home. I had Jason leave me while he took it back so I could mow the grass. 1/2 way through mowing I stopped to talk to our neighbors Larry and Rhenna. I let go of the mower to pet their dog Bailey and the mower started rolling down the hill. Now I've never lived in a place where a mower could actually get away from you so I was quite embarrassed. Rhenna and I just kept laughing.

Oh, now I remembered what we did on Friday. We had a storm roll through and I wanted to get some lightning photos. So, we had to try to find a piece of flat area to park so we could at least see the lightning. We had to drive up over the mountain and park on the top of another to get a clear view. Unfortunately we did not get any good photos because we forgot the Tripod and the camera has to be extremely still when taking lightning shots. Oh well, maybe next time.

1 comment:

Carie said...

Sounds like you two sure are keeping busy :) We miss you guys here, but are so happy you have such great friends, a nice place to live and fun coworkers in PA. By the blueberries in the area this year...TRAGIC!